Dear friends, staunch supporters, occasional readers and disinterested sympathizers,
We are proud to announce the release of Hometaping in Self-Management LP, the first in a series of retrospective Ex Yu Electronica compilation LPs that seek to highlight some of the most interesting happenings in the 1980s independent DIY experimental music scene of former Yugoslavia.
As a regionally-focused testimony of 1980s non-academic experimental music practices, Hometaping in Self-Management is the first document of its kind in Eastern-Europe and as such it seeks to expand the known frontiers of the hometaping spectrum. There are elements of fundamentalism to the logic behind this compilation: if the phenomenon of Yugoslav tape experimentalism was globally perceived as a marginal, bordering on nonexistent within the 80s cassette culture – then this compilation treats it as a microcosm on its own right; if Mario Marzidovšek was generally regarded as an obscure person in the global network – then he is nothing short of a superstar on Hometaping in Self-Management ; if Sumanuti Jebači are considered a mere footnote on the Yugoslav hometaping scene – they are a key nexus on the hometaping scene of Croatian Banovina and so on.
Hometaping in Self-Management presents 14 different projects from five republics of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (with the exception of Montenegro) with 14 tracks spanning from 1981 to 1989. The LP comes in an edition of 300 copies, with a four pages full colour booklet and abundance of information about each individual project, a small introduction into hometaping in SFRY and a general project introduction by its initiator (Dušan Hedl). The LP is realized in cooperation of Subkulturni Azil (Maribor, Slovenia) NGO for culture and art publishing and A Hogon’s Industrial Guide (Belgrade, Serbia) research platform with the support of Ministry of Culture of Slovenia.
The first of three promotional events planned for Hometaping in Self-Management LP will take place in ŠKUC, Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 10.01.2010. at 13h and you are all invited to come. The details on two other promotions in Zagreb and Belgrade, as well as information on distribution of the LP will come soon.
All the best in 2011,
A Hogon's Industrial Guide
Great! I can't wait for that! Please, let me knowwhen I could buy it.
ehej dex, fala na cestitkama & svako dobro mirni i tebi u novoj godini :)
da udomite apisa ! :D
absolutely elated to learn ov this astonishing document!! hope to have thee great fortune ov being able to aquire one; as i can only imagine it will be a fastly siezed upon release.. PLEASE: if possible allow me to know where and when it may be acquired; as i do not wish to let this one pass me by!!
be(a)st wishes!!
hello vita ignes,
thank you for your interest. yes, you will be notified as soon as we arrange the details :)
I'm really looking forward to this release. Please keep us posted!
Greetings from Croatia, btw :)
Držim fige da mi se ne poklopi satnica promocije sa radnim vremenom, nadam se da ono vreme od 13h nije definitivno :/
I'm interested in ordering a copy, but I would like to hear some audio samples first, don't want to make a blind purchase. If you have any, could you send them to me to filthfunk at gmail dot com? Thank you
hello filthfunk,
now there are some samples on the subkulturni azil website + you can order the lp from spin vinyl store (for now)
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